Who can participate:
Current high school students and adults over the age of 18. Special consideration given to middle school students. Anyone who has a mobility or cognitive challenge that makes participation in traditional programming difficult. This program is co-ed.
Motor dyspraxia
Sensory integration challenges
Balance challenges
Motor programming challenges
Down Syndrome
Autism Spectrum
Learning disabilities
Cognitive impairments
Low muscle tone
Other congenital syndromes
Individuals with physical disabilities can also participate if desired. Individuals may ambulate independently, or use assistive devices, or wheelchairs.
Scholarships are available. No one will be denied participation due to financial concerns.
Veterans with a disability are able to participate in STAR programs for free.
What to bring:
Water bottle
Dress to move
Comfortable shoes for movement
Parents, respite care providers, and care partners are welcome to attend.
1-1 mentors
Please contact the STAR Center if you will need a 1-1 mentor. We will do our best to find you a mentor, but we can not guarantee at this time. Respite care providers and other service mentors are welcome to attend with you.
The STAR Center provides all equipment necessary for each program.