Frequently Asked Questions

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Safety & Community

Are there community rules that everyone needs to follow when posting publicly on the platform?

Yes, all users must follow these rules when posting:

  • Be considerate of others, their disabilities, and their experiences.
  • Be honest and share your experiences, but do so with kindness and positivity.
  • Help keep this community a place that excites people about an active life post-injury.
  • Do not share confidential information or personal information without the consent of the parties concerned.
  • Do not harass, threaten, insult, shame, or otherwise disparage anyone.
  • Occasional self promotion is acceptable, but must be done within reason (no more than once per month unless relevant or an exception is made.

Any violation of these rules may result in a permanent ban from the Active Project.

Are there community rules that everyone needs to follow when messaging privately?

Whether users are messaging through the Active Project’s built in messaging, or through social media, the rules are the same. If the source of a connection or conversation was the Active Project, we ask that all members:

  • Follow the same rules laid out for public sharing above.
  • Make no attempt to contact anyone that you have reason to believe does not wish to be contacted by you.

Any violation of these rules may result in a permanent ban from the Active Project.

I saw content posted by someone on the Active Project that I found offensive, dangerous, or harmfully misleading, what can I do?

Please immediately report any content that violates site rules, state or federal laws, or the spirit of this platform to [email protected]. We will work to remove the content as quickly as possible.


I have seen or received spam, malware, or common scams posted on the Active Project, what can I do?

Please immediately report any content that could be considered spam, malware, or an attempted scam to [email protected]. We will work to remove the content as quickly as possible.


Are forums, Classifieds, and other community features moderated?

Yes, we work to moderate all public-facing areas of the Active Project for community safety and enjoyment. However, we cannot immediately address any and all content that may violate site rules, which is why we ask that anyone who finds content that could harm someone in the community to please report it immediately to [email protected]. We will remove it as quickly as possible. We also ask that users report content or behavior that does not contribute positively to the Active Project community. Although we may not remove all content in the latter category, we would like to make sure this platform remains a place that first and foremost encourages people to lead active & engaged lives.


Are “private messages” truly private on the Active Project?

While we do not actively moderate private messages, and have no intention to do so, we do not make any assurances that conversations on the Active Project are truly private. In matters of community safety, imminent danger, or to aid in the conduct of a legal investigation, the Kelly Brush Foundation reserves the right to access private message logs.

We also strongly suggest that all members take significant care when using public or private messaging systems on the Active Project for their own safety. Do not share personal financial information, location information, or other data that could put your personal safety in danger. We are not able to personally verify the authenticity of every user profile, so it is best to do your own validation to guarantee the identity of anyone you are communicating with.


Accounts, Profiles & Events

Where can I find general technical support information?

Contact [email protected] to report technical issues


How can I claim an existing account pre-registered for me?

To claim an existing pre-registered account please contact [email protected]


How can I claim the profile of a sports organization?

To claim a sports organization page please contact [email protected]. In the email please provide:

Organization Name
Your Name
Your Active Project User Profile Name


How do I create a new account?

To create a new account please visit


How do I add an organization?

To add an Organization to the Active Project please contact [email protected]. In the email please provide:

Organization Name


How do I add an event?

To add an event to The Active Project please contact [email protected]


How do I reset my password?

You can reset you password here.


How do I change what others can see about me?

This feature is coming soon. Thanks for your patience.


How do I change my email preferences?

This feature is coming soon. Thanks for your patience.


Content Edits & Suggested Features

Why does the Active Project use names like “Mountain Biking” and “Rugby” instead of their adaptive names?

This feature is coming soon. Thanks for your patience.


Why is ___ not on the platform?

____ is not on the platform because we might not know about it. If we are missing something please reach out to [email protected]


How can I contribute content for the platform?

If you would like to contribute to The Active Project please contact [email protected]


How can I suggest a correction to something I see on the platform?

We’re not perfect and apologize for any wrong information on our platform. You can submit corrections by contacting [email protected]


How can I suggest a new feature?

The Active Project is always evolving to meet our users needs. You can submit a new feature by contacting [email protected]


Get Involved/Partnerships

Are there opportunities to support the platform through partnerships?

Yes, we love to collaborate. Please contact [email protected]


Does the Active Project need financial support?

Everything in life costs money including the operations of The Active Project. If you like to know how you can help please contact [email protected]


Are there opportunities to volunteer to support the Active Project?

Yes, we’re a non profit organization that relies on community volunteers. If you would like to support The Active Project through volunteering please contact [email protected]

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