Handcycling hopefully sooner than later.

Posted July 7, 2024 Modified 8 months, 1 weeks ago

Active Project Home Forums Regions Southeast Handcycling hopefully sooner than later.

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  • Posted by Scott P.

    Hi all

    I’m in Orlando and enjoy riding the different trails around Central Florida. I also do virtual rides.

    Both are on hold right now. A new owner bought my apartment building a little over a year ago. It started a process to renovate all the apartments. It involved moving out all the tenants and their belongings 1 floor at a time, do the renovations, and move property and tenants back in. When I was moved back in, the storage company broke some parts of my handcycle, and lost parts of my Kickr smart trainer. As soon I can fix and replace parts I get back to doing both.

    Let me know if you want to ride in central Florida, and join some virtual rides in the future when I am back at it.



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