South Florida Wheelchair Tennis Clinics

Posted July 7, 2024 Modified 6 months ago

Active Project Home Forums Misc & Other Request a New Forum South Florida Wheelchair Tennis Clinics

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  • Posted by cfevecque

    Deerfield Beach Tennis Center – every Tuesday

    George English Park, Ft Lauderdale – every other Wednesday

    Veltri Tennis Center, Plantation – 1st & 3rd Thursdays

    Palm Beach Gardens Tennis Center – 2nd & 4th Thursdays

    Flamingo Park, Miami Beach – 4th Sunday

    Putting this here for anyone who is interested and/or curious.
    I practice at Deerfield so feel free to reach for info!



    @cfevecque I love how many tennis opportunities there are in your area. Can you add some times so folks know when to show up?

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