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Active Project Live! – Cycling Zoom Call

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Help us know what you want to learn, post questions here.

Time: Sep 17, 2024 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

EDIT: New Link and Passcode

Calendar for the recurring meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 7843 1814
Passcode: 917644

Old Link and passcode deleted, so if you copied those, delete and use the new

End of EDIT

From an email announcing the call:
“Cycling is not only a fantastic way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors, but adaptive cycling also opens up new possibilities for those who need specialized equipment. During our discussion, we’ll explore the latest advancements in adaptive cycling technology and hear from experts who are at the forefront of this field. You’ll have the chance to learn about innovative equipment, gain insights from real-life success stories, and participate in a Q&A session where you can ask your questions and share your experiences.

To make the most of our discussion, please add your questions to the Active Project Forums before the call. We would love to build the conversation around your interests and ensure that we address the topics most important to you.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with others who are passionate about cycling and to see how adaptive sports can enhance fitness and enjoyment.

We look forward to seeing you there! Feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested in joining the conversation.”



Please use this attached Zoom for tonight’s call:

Kelly Brush Foundation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 7843 1814
Passcode: 917644


A good call. It was recorded, so there may be a way for those who missed it to hear it. Stay tuned.

Vendors, therapists, & athletes of various abilities participated.

Like in this forum, RAGBRAI was mentioned a couple times, and neighborly rivalry compelled a plug for BRAN.

For those wanting to participate in RAGBRAI, as of the date of this posting, it is a little over 300 days from the start. Now would be a great time, depending on your local weather, to get some outdoor miles on the adaptive bike or indoor time on a trainer to build stamina and butt calluses. Historically registration opens November 15, the route is announced around January 25, 2025. Some wait until then to register to know how long or hilly (Iowa is flat like a waffle, different routes have different amounts of hills to go over) it will be. Registration closes around April 1, but rider credentials are transferable and can be purchased from others all the way up to the start. The actual ride will be July 20-26, 2025, so you have time to learn about the logistics of a 7 day, 400-500 mile ride.

Start now to prepare for it. Can’t treat it like students cramming the night before a final and just show up and expect to enjoy your adventure. It’s a fantastic time if you are prepared. A miserable one if you aren’t.

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